The Arts Program at Weir State School
offers a rich and varied program of classroom and extra-curricular
activities. All students from Prep to Year 6 engage in an hourly lesson
covering Music, Dance and Drama. An Instrumental Music program is offered to
students from year 3 upward. The Choral Program is also available to students
from Year 3 -6.
Music, Dance, Drama and Media Lessons
Learning in Music involves students having
a range of experiences involving singing, movement, listening, musical games
and playing instruments: untuned and tuned percussion in prep to year 2,
Glockenspiels in Years 3 - 6. Skills in reading and writing music notation,
composition and performance are developed and encouraged at all year levels.
Learning in Dance involves students exploring elements, skills and
processes through the integrated practices of choreography, performance and
appreciation. The body is the instrument of expression and uses combinations of
the elements of dance (space, time, dynamics and relationships) to communicate
and express meaning through expressive and purposeful movement.
Learning in Drama involves students making, performing, analysing and
responding to drama, drawing on human experience as a source of ideas. Students
engage with the knowledge of drama, develop skills, techniques and processes,
and use materials as they explore a range of forms, styles and contexts.